| 1. | Be as free and open as you wish . 请坦率和畅所欲言地谈谈吧。 |
| 2. | The exhibition will be opened as soon as everything is in order . 一俟准备就绪,即行公开展出。 |
| 3. | The question was open as to what shape of lens would so focus in the coming rays . 什么形状的透镜能起这样的聚焦作用,还是一个没有解决的问题。 |
| 4. | She was as open as the day, and this attack from the people who skulked in darkness make her ill . 她象白昼一样光明磊落,但躲在阴暗角落里的人们的攻击使她病倒了。 |
| 5. | After a hurried and vain endeavour to thrust it in a drawer, she was forced to place it, open as it was, upon a table . 她打算把信塞到抽屉里,可是匆匆忙忙,白费力气,她只好把那封信,照原样敞开着放在桌子上。 |
| 6. | Each schema is opened as a temporary miscellaneous file 每个架构作为临时的杂项文件打开。 |
| 7. | The cheat sheet opens as a view Cheat sheet是以视图方式打开的。 |
| 8. | You want to see it open as well as l 你和我一样想看着它被打开 |
| 9. | A man ' s heart opens as he succeeds in fulfilling a woman 当男人成功的满足女人时,他的心胸就开放了。 |
| 10. | Wireless networks should be considered as open as a modem pool 可以将无线网络看作与调制解调器池一样开放。 |